Personal information about Marcus (alias „Djel'Quong“)

picture showing me

profession and abilities:

I have studied computer science in the nice city of Rostock and I got my masters degree with very good results (mark "sehr gut" - "very good" - best mark). My specialty is computer graphics, mainly practical implementations in 3D realtime graphics systems (e.g. simulations or eLearning or 3D games). Part of the work in this field is programming in Java and C++ as well as the use of render engines (and game engines). I also have experience with C#.Net (version 2 and 3) and I can use it to create .NET applications for MS Windows.

Moreover I am partially a talented scientist and artist. In the scientific field I am mainly interested in physics, astronomy, math, history and philosophy (and of course computer science). In the artistic field I have experience in drawing and manipulating images, drawings, graphs and other 2D content, additionally I have a little experience in 3d-modelling with Blender (mainly polygonal tools and forward kinematics). I'm also working as an author, and among other texts I have written a book comprising more than 350 pages wich describes a fantasy world and a game system (a pen&paper rpg).

I'm also able to manually create simple websites and complex spreadsheets - primarily using Libre Office Calc / Google Docs for this task. I can write very fast and I own a special 10 finger keyboard with angled sections and hand rest areas.

traits characterizing me:

creativity, fantasy, honesty, openness and tolerance, peaceableness




(+49) 0178 5323181

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